National Identity.
Filipinos had little sense of national identity until the revolutionary
period of the nineteenth century. The word "Filipino" did
not refer to native people until the mid-nineteenth century. Before that
period, the treatment of the islands as a single governmental unit by
Spain and the conversion of the population to Catholicism were the
unifying factors. As a desire for independence grew, a national flag was
created, national heroes emerged, and a national anthem was written. A
national language was designated in 1936. National costumes were
established. The sense of a national identity is fragile, with true
allegiance given to a kin group, a province, or a municipality.
Ethnic Relations.
Ninety-five percent of the population is of Malay ancestry. The other
identifiable group is of Chinese ancestry. Sino-Filipinos are envied for
their success in business. They have maintained their own schools, which
stress Chinese traditions.
Seventy to eighty language groups separate people along tribal lines.
Approximately two million residents are designated as cultural minority
groups protected by the government. The majority of those sixty ethnic
groups live in the mountains of northern Luzon. People whose skin is
darker are considered less capable, intelligent, and beautiful.
Descendants of the Negritos tribe are regarded as inferior.(
The Philippines is known to be a family centered nation. The
Filipinos recognize their family as an important social structure that
one must take care of. They give importance to the safety and unity of
one’s family. The Filipino family is so intact that it is common for
members of the same family work for the same company. It is also common
to find the whole clan living in the same area as that the Filipinos are
afraid to be too far from their own family.
People get strength from their family, thus a child may have
several godparents to ensure his future in case his parents will not be
there for him. They also do not let their elders live too far away from
them. The Filipinos take care of their elders by taking them into their
homes. Unlike the Westerners, the Filipinos do not send their elders to
nursing homes to be taken care of. They believe that when their elders
are unable to live alone, the time has come for them to pay their
respects and to be able to serve their parents just as they were cared
for when they were younger.
The Filipinos are very hospitable when it comes to their fellowmen.
They will invite their visitors to come into their homes and offer them
treats such as snacks and drinks after a long journey. There are also
instances when the Filipinos will serve only the best to their visitors
even if at times they may not be able to afford it. They also go the
extremes as to give up the comfort of their own bedrooms for their
guests and to the point of sleeping on floor just to ensure that their
guests are comfortable.(
Flexibility, Adaptability, and Creativity
Filipino's sense of joy and humor is evident in their optimistic
approach to life and its travails. The ability to laugh at themselves
and their predicament is an important coping mechanism that contributes
to emotional balance and a capacity to survive. These are manifested in
the ability to adjust to often difficult circumstances and prevailing
physical and social environments. Filipinos have a high tolerance for
ambiguity that enables them to respond calmly to uncertainty or lack of
information. Filipinos often improvise and make productive and
innovative use of whatever is available. These qualities have been
repeatedly demonstrated in their capacity to adapt to living in any part
of the world and in their ability to accept change.(
Loyalty or ‘’’Pakikisama’’’ is another Filipino value. Filipinos are
said to be loyal to their friends and fellowmen in order to ensure the
peace in the group. This is manifested in their basic sense of justice
and fairness and concern for other's well being. Filipinos recognize the
essential humanity of all people and regard others with respect and
empathy. With this orientation, Filipinos develop a sensitivity to the
nature and quality of interpersonal relationships, which are their
principal source of security and happiness.
Hard work and Industry
The related capacity for hard work and industry among Filipinos is
widely recognized. Filipinos are universally regarded as excellent
workers who perform well whether the job involves physical labor and
tasks or highly sophisticated technical functions. This propensity for
hard work, which often includes a highly competitive spirit, is driven
by the desire for economic security and advancement for oneself and
one's family. This achievement orientation is further accompanied by
typically high aspirations and great personal sacrifices.